What We Do

We strive to provide everyone with opportunities to learn and develop their individuality, enabling them to lead their lives as independently as possible. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with equity, dignity, and respect. The Door of Hope offers quality services to support individuals at risk of marginalization and works to create opportunities and choices that foster connected lives where everyone is valued as equal citizens in our communities.

Food Security

This program is designed to insure that everyone should have reliable access to enough safe, nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences and food is available to people of all classes, genders, religions, and states.

Healthcare Program

The Healthcare program is designed to meet the health needs of the poor through the provision of free or subsidized hospital bills for diagnosis, prescription drugs, out-patient consultations, in-patient admissions and treatments, including surgical procedures.

Free Education

According to international human rights law, primary education shall be compulsory and free of charge. Secondary and higher education shall be made progressively free of charge. Free primary education is fundamental in guaranteeing everyone has access to education. However, in some underprivileged countries, families often cannot afford to send their children to school, leaving millions of children of school-age deprived of education. Despite international obligations, these countries keep on imposing fees to access primary education. In addition, there are often indirect costs associated with education, such as school books, uniforms, or travel that prevent children from low-income families from accessing school. Proper education is the right of every individual whether girl or a boy. This program will help children get primary, secondary and possibly higher education for free. Our vision is a world where the right to education for all becomes a reality, from early childhood to adulthood and throughout life, based on the principles of non-discrimination and equality. For that reason, the program will mainly focus on providing hygienic food and water to the poor.

Capacity Building

The Capacity Building Program provides basic literacy and vocational training to help women and young boys and girls cope in the society and with family. The program trains them to become entrepreneurs, in different marketable skills, after which they will be capable of establishing small to large enterprises or find employment. It also provides entrepreneurship training to enable those who have already acquired skills training but remain unemployed. The Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Development Program provides opportunities for the poor, mainly women, and youngsters to improve their lifestyles through training and encouragement to find solutions to their lack of work. The specific objectives of this program are following:

Youth Empowerment

The Youth Empowerment Program empowers the young to develop as individuals, enjoying new challenges through volunteering and social action whilst making a positive contribution to the community. It would be achieved by providing young people with access to good quality volunteering, social opportunities and supporting them to realize their projects and ideas.
The Youth Empowerment Program will meet its aim through focusing its work on young people and providing initiatives that address community needs and, in benefiting others, provide them with a sense of citizenship and community responsibility. The objective is to generate a sense of responsibility, direction and purpose in young people for their projects and to support them to progress. The specific objectives of this program are as follows: